Winix PlasmaWave is an advanced technology that is able to create Hydroxyls to neutralize hidden viruses and bacteria without producing any harmful ozone.
Winix Plasmawave enjoys the power of nature to clean the air and recreates the mechanism that purifies the air in a normal, healthy, and efficient way. Our technology provides a safe, short electric discharge to generate and distribute dual polarity ions (positive and negative) in the air.
When they bind to the air pollutant surface, such as bacteria or viruses, they spontaneously strip hydrogen from, eliminate and clean up the molecular structure of air contaminants.
Benefits of PlasmaWave Technology
- It can reduce odors from regular bad smells such as cooking, cigarette smoke, etc.
- Can reduce bacteria and viruses from the air
- Reduces static electricity to enhance air purification efficiency, so that air pollutants are collected through the air filtration system that guides them through the multi-stage phase.
How does it work?
- PlasmaWave technology produces a brief electrical discharge in our Air Purifiers to produce dual polarity of air moisture ions. This electrical release is harmless and takes place only for a brief time (nanoseconds).
- + H+ and - oxygen ions + hydrogen (-O2). The ions are attached to the air pollutant surface to create hydroxyls by taking hydrogen out of the air system.
- This association eliminates environmental contaminants which makes it possible for ions to return as air moisture and use the missing hydrogen ions extracted from the air pollutant framework (H2O).
Why PlasmaWave is better than other
Winix Plasmawave Technology is not accurately described as “Ionizer” or a little bit confused with negative ion technology but it is so far superior to traditional ionizers which only produce negative ions. That is for sure negative ion air purifiers do not extract air pollutants. Besides, negative ions force particles to build a group together so that they are weighed onto the surface of the floor and furniture. These toxins may be reintroduced by encouraging them to get out again on everyday tasks, such as cycling or vacuuming.
Is PlasmaWave safe?
Yes, it is totally safe. Plasmawave follows the requirements for indoor air purification of ozone pollutants from the specification AB 2276 from the California Air Resource Board. In order to comply, electrical protection air purification systems must be checked and ozone pollution ratings below a maximum of 0.05 pieces per million.